
mereka yang bernama Arashi~~

by facchan on Saturday, January 9, 2010, under ,

igt x
entry ni aku tulis pasal Kat-Tun..

tapi kali ni nk tulis pasal Arashi lak.hehe

actually aku knal arashi from Nisa..n' skang sudah t'jatuh suka kat dorang ni. dorang terdiri drp:

Sho Sakurai

Ohno Satoshi

Ninomiya Kazunari

Matsumoto Jun

Aiba Masaki

dorang pon ade banyak tv show s'diri

1. himitsu no arashi

2. VS Arashi

3. Arashi No Shukudai

disclaimer : i don't own these pixies..credit to google.again.

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