
new fonts!!!!

by facchan on Friday, April 2, 2010, under


tadi aku duk donlud2 and install2 fonts baru tuk laptop aku nih.. maklumla, font yg dulu sumenye x comey.. pastu tadi tanya mirun cane nk install font2 nih.. aku mane la reti sume nih..huhu

mase aku duk search nk pilih font mane yg bes/comey/cantik/wuteva la, aku jumpe font nih!!!!


skull da~~
hahaahah comey x??? mase nmpak je font nih, i was 'sunako!!!'.LOL. XDD xtaw la kenape sjak akhir2 nih aku ske bende2 skull nih.. sah da terpengaruh ngn sunako hyan..XDD.

emm banyak gak aku install font baru. again, kredit to mirun coz ajar me..

so, aku nak gtaw cara install fonts kat laptop kpd sape2 yg nak taw la.. sue, sila ambik perhatian!!! huhu XDD

1 . memula, buka laptop..hahah. pastu connect internet.
then baru la bley donlud2 fonts nih. XD

2 . astu, g website nih TEKAN SINI!!
ataupon cari je free font donlud kat google tuh

3 . then, cari la mane2 fonts yang berkenan di hati...
pastu donlud la banyak mane pon..

4 . pas donlud tuh, file tuh cam format winzip/winrar kan??
then, extract je la file2 tuh..

5 . pas extract, g control panel tekan fonts, pastu klik install new fonts..
kalo tuk w7, juz drag je font yg di extract tadi ke dlm byk2 font mase anda buke control panel tadi..

6 . pastu siap la.. font tadi telah di install dgn jayanye..
kalo xcaye, try tgk kat microsoft word, jadi x..

jadi x, sue??? ritu beriya-iya suh aku ajor. then, jadi x?? XDD

ok la..stop here. da~~~


hahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahaha XDDDDDD. ME LOIKEE~~~~!!!!

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