::GokuSen Da MoviE::
by facchan
on Tuesday, February 16, 2010,
yatta!! semalam aku tgk Gokusen The Movie. bes3!! well, cam bese la.jln ceritanye lbey krg sama je ngn semua season. setiap musim tu, mmg xsah kalo xde scene yankumi fighting for her precious students, yankumi lecture and scene yankumi gaduh ngn sawatari tuh.
memandangkan aku ni peminat gokusen ni (aku da tgk semua musim), aku xnak lepaskan pluang tuk tgk the movie pnya.hehe. and of course la sebab ade KAME!! XDD
ODAGIRI SENSEI!!!! alslkakl;sa;l;skl.
from the cool rebellious odagiri to cool,handsome,mature odagiri sensei. dye jadi cikgu inspired by yankumi.
kya!! i wanna be in his class!!!
odagiri sensei's quote " if you are the real friend, you stick together no matter what happens"
gokusen xsah kalo xe pelajar 3D nye yang bermasalah.
so the highlight of the story..
some screencaps of cameo appearance of the previous season.
tsuchiya ( gokusen 2)
tak sia2 dye jadi cameraman.
hyuuga( gokusen 2)
sawada shin (gokusen 1)
last but not least..
mlm tadi aku mimpi akanishi jin ngn sho sakurai mati.apa kes?? NO(for sho only)!!
stop here.bye!

.::jom sembang!!!::.
me, myself~
- facchan
- TERENGGANU, Malaysia
- 私は hyphen です。。 「-」 is my part よろしく ね~!O(≧▽≦)O 5-nin forever...
Eien no Ai

Kamenashi Kazuya
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