
Because I Love This Drama So Much!

by facchan on Thursday, February 16, 2012, under ,


un un 

same like me T____T


mariko is cute. 

won't stop rewatching

i like shuuji (not because he's kame, serious!)

my confession :PP 

i actually cried when shuuji dumped her 

mte =/

forever and ever!

lol. ape nih?? Nobuta wo Produce dedication post ke ape nih? XD 

yes. I LOVE THIS DRAMA SO MUCH!! because it's beautiful T____T beautiful friendship that i'd never have. T^T i want to have my own Shuuji, Akira and Nobuta!!! waiting for that day to come. one fine day. i hope =/.

pic credit: jdramacondession@tumblr. thanks to jdrama confessors :D awesome blog. worth following. unlike kat-tunconfession. full of that a**

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