
Give Me Give Me Give Me

by facchan on Sunday, November 14, 2010, under , ,

bismillah salam~

*zon fandom*

cesss!!! bengang aku ngn twitter!!! aku xleh nk tweet ngn RT!!!! skang ni dahla ader projek TT tu kattun~!! #changeurworld ngn #kattun. chikushoo chikushooooo!!!!!!!

oh yer!! oh yerr!! oh yerrrrr!!!!!!!! aku dah tengok PV CHANGE UR WORLD!!!!!!! asldkjfsa;jfsda;klhfsa;lhfds;hsad;kl;sadkljsl super duper amazingly awesome!!!!!!! fuuhh~~~ *tarik napas* koki..koki..KOKIIIII~~~~ hotsss gilerr!!!! omg~ just rambut dye je la buruk sket~ orz.. where is ur handsome black hair koki??? orz orz orz.
n kame!!!!! aku ske rambut itu~ asljfslajfsklajfs;kljflsk.

basically, PV dorang nih psl element2 la.. kame-rock, koki-earth(?), junno-water, uepi-fire!! and nkmaru ape tah.. air kot? XD aku tgk PV ni yg LQ pnyer.. so cam nmpk cam xbes sgt..



btw, aku suker komen mana(aesha @fb) pasal PV nih..

her quote :

"starting dier pkai budak mat saleh, mcm visual kei nyer pv ponn ader. dierg nih aper? angel of death version tak pkai all black? cpt laa kuarr hq nyerr. sbb cg in lq bt d pv nmpk sedikit cheap.
highlights: kame kakkoi cho al d tym. likes his... hair. koki, not so much. but dier meccha kakkoii tym dier jerit. ueda, bagaikan angel of fire. ahhhh, though dier dlm fire, sumwat aku raser tenang. not liking junno's hair. maru, aikawarazu, futsu.. *wife yg x kasik can*

btw, kame = stone. koki = chain. ueda = fire. junno = water. maru = air ?? dondake usui no, kare no sonzai wa (bapak nipis kewujudan dier)

areas of improvement: kat-tun shud get a new n better coreographer. they shud get one that do the coreographs for pi. i think that's good enuf. or w-inds nyer coreographer ker. or exile's (tho aku bet exile own their coreographers, hecks).
n junno, jgn bt rmbut mcm tu lagi.
3rd, kat-tun, learn from perfume. keep in synch.

ijou. lps kuar hq, aku bebel g."

AMEK KAW!!! wat karangan terus!!! lolol


kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~ aku dah dgr RE pnyer lagu2!!!! aku suker!!!! ader REMEMBER, NEVER x OVER ngan GIVE ME GIVE ME GIVE ME!!
out of three tuh, aku ske GIVE GIVE ME GIVE ME!!!!! ader autotune sket2~ OTL demo222!!! bes xsangga woooo~~~ kinda kpop-ish sket.. heheh. it's not like i'd like kpop song.. muahahha.

pastu kan.. never x over tuh.. giler smart aahh!!! dorang mix kan solo2 dorang! Sweet, Rabbit/Wolf, Love Music, Film ngn xtaw lagu ape dorang amek from solo koki.. xde pulak aku dgt MUW2 tuh~ nnt aku dgr balik aku konpemkan.. yg pasti skang ni aku ske lgu tuh.. sbb tu khas tuk fans kononnyer.. hohoho. and lirik dye xsbr nk tgok lirik agak random sket aku rase~ nyahahah

and, is it just me or lagu remember cam lagu2 rock kat malaysia?? lolol

yoshh minna!! keep trending for #changeurworld and #kattun!!! gomen ne.. i can't contribute tonight.. twitter being cruel to me!!!!! orz

ps: oh tak sabar nk dpt copy single aku!!!!
ps: all pictures and gifs are not mine~ ^^

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