
Sweet 21st!! =)

by facchan on Wednesday, August 4, 2010, under ,



sweet 21st facchan~!!! =)

knape maru?? (>.<)
aku xmauuuuu!!!

ape boley buat~~

life must go on!!

smoger aku hari2 akn datang jadi lebih baik drp aku sebelumnyer..

ok?? =)

oh btw, today's also his birthday!!

he's cooking for me~ XD
nyiaaaaa!! tae kyung hyung nim!!


btw, notice the differences between these 2 pictures???

kame as go minam is love!!

5 comments for this entry:
  1. syarihan

    tanjoubi omedetou!!!
    bg pinjam kame sehari je...lps ni kasi balik tau...hehhehehe....

  2. Miss Sakura

    majie? bday jang geun suk sme ngn u? hahaha....

  3. facchan

    syarihan: KORRRAAAAA!! SEHARI DAKE??? XDDD. kame nk ngn kte selame2nye la.. heheh

    illi: aah!! cek la wiki.. XDD. kte tgok k wiki dulu2..XD

  4. Miss Sakura

    jeless.. woa... birthday ueda is coming... nk wat ap ni ek~

  5. syarihan

    Hahhhaa..korg jom la buat bufday bash ueda nnt..jumpa kat mna2 ke..rindu nk jumpa other kat-tun's fans..hehehhee...


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